Monday, March 30, 2009

Auto Task Force to take hands-on role in GM, Chrysler restructuring

David Shepardson / Detroit News Washington Bureau
Washington -- The Obama administration will take a much more hands-on role in the restructuring of General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, providing both with short-term aid but insisting on and overseeing immediate dramatic changes.

The administration has set strict timetables for GM and Chrysler to complete restructuring and if required changes are not made is likely to force the automakers into bankruptcy in the coming months.

The companies are likely to go even further in cutting staff and closing plants in order to prove their viability.

The administration's auto task force agreed to provide Chrysler with short-term aid for the next 30 days as the automaker works to complete a tie-up with Itay's Fiat SpA and said it would consider loaning the partnership up to $6 billion if a deal can be finalized.

But it warned that if Chrysler and Fiat cannot come to terms on a partnership, the Auburn Hills automaker would not get any more taxpayer money -- a move that would likely force the company's liquidation....more
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