Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chrysler Fiat News-Obama praises autoworkers, says Chrysler deal uncertain

President Barack Obama said today he did not know whether a deal preventing a collapse of Chrysler LLC would be done before Thursday's deadline, and praised American autoworkers for their sacrifices to the industry's survival.

Speaking at a town hall meeting in Missouri marking his 100th day in office, Obama said his auto task force sent Chrysler and General Motors Corp. back to redo their business plans because their initial sustainability plans were not realistic. GM has until June 1 to deliver its new plan.

As for Chrysler: “We don’t know yet whether the deal is going to get done.”

Chrysler and the administration reached an agreement with large Chrysler debt holders to swap $6.9 billion in secured debt for $2 billion in cash. But 40-odd investment firms and hedge funds have to agree in unison to the swap, or the government will take Chrysler to bankruptcy court to force it into place.

Chrysler must also complete a deal with Fiat S.p.A., which appears close at hand.....More
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