Friday, April 17, 2009

Nardelli Sees New Leaders at Chrysler if Pact Clears


DETROIT -- Chrysler LLC will likely get a new chief executive and board of directors appointed by Italy's Fiat SpA and the U. S. government, if Chrysler and Fiat follow through on their plans to form an alliance, Chrysler's current CEO told employees in a letter.

Chrysler Chief Executive Officer Bob Nardelli said a new board of directors will be appointed by the federal government and Fiat once a deal is completed. The majority of the directors will be independent.

"Upon successful completion of the alliance, a board of directors for Chrysler will be appointed by the U.S. government and Fiat," Mr. Nardelli said in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by Dow Jones Newswires.....More
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